Friday, February 29, 2008

Bowling = Awesome

I should have been studying Japanese but I figured I'd post a few pics from our evening at the luxurious Gainesville Bowling Center Thursday night. Its quite the place if you want to enjoy $10 unlimited bowling and $1.50 Corndogs. That's right - $1.50 Corndogs!!!

The evening was part of our Operation English Improvement. We take some of the new Japanese guys at work and throw them into normal situations to work on their English skills. The other event is English-Only lunch where they have to eat a Jalepeno slice for every word spoken in Japanese. Apparently the Japanese really don't like Jalapenos so I think they prefered the bowling night.

Anyway here are some pics and please check out the final shot of the score at the end that I think shows the true skill level of some of the players.

Some of the guys worked on their bowling vocabulary but Mr. Tachiro went right to his pick-up chicks vocublary -

And explaining how he broke his belt?

Koiso after one of his only open frames.

"Who is this Japanese Guy that is taking all these pictures of me?"

Nice gutter ball dance Katie.

Yosh after a strike:

Who was the groom?

This is a picture of the final score (This photo has not been altered in any manner or fashion. Its a fact - some people have bowling skills and some don't. Ann Marie - if you get at least a 10 next time we'll let you play with the people that can really bowl).